September 28, 2012

The Magic Hat

The Magic Hat
by Mem Fox

The story line of this book is very simple. A magic hat flies into a small town. As it rests on people's heads it transforms them into an animal. After a few people are changed, a wizard comes to town and transforms the animals back into people. Everyone is having fun, the wizard leaves town again and uses the magic hat to transform himself into a boy.

The graphics of the book are alright I would say. Sure, they are pretty but also very detailed. At times, there is much more going on in the graphics than there is in the story. For instance, in the graphics the wizard brings an egg when he comes to town. Later you see a chicken hatch out of the egg and the people following it. None of that is in the story.

The writing is pretty good. There is a rhyme to it and it's easy to read. Yeah, I must say the writing is good although the book could be a bit longer for a 4 year old and the story line could be a little better done as well. Overall, my five year old really likes the story. I think he is mostly fascinated by the idea of magic.

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